Saturday, August 31, 2019

To Eat or Not to Eat

To Eat or Not to Eat In the twenty first century people have managed to clone animals and transplant organs but they still have not managed to cope with many serious diseases. Some of the most widely spread are the eating disorders – such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Even though many people underestimate them, they are extremely dangerous and even fatal. In order to prevent eating disorders, we should learn more about them. First of all, everyone can be affected by such diseases regardless their age, gender, race and place of living.However, the risk is higher, if one`s parents suffered from an eating disorder or if one is engaged with for instance dancing, modelling or cooking. It is worth mentioning that the psychological factor plays a very important role. Many young girls ‘give up’ eating because they want to look like the girls from the fashion magazines and the TV. But something that has started as an innocent diet or a bit of overweight, may destroy one`s health and life. There are a lot of types of eating disorders – the most notorious being anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder.Anorexia nervosa is characterised with an extremely strong desire for losing weight and fear of gaining weight. It is believed social and family factors cause that condition. Nowadays society exerts a lot of pressure on people, especially girls and young women, to be thin and good looking. Many start starvation diets and become obsessed with their weight which can easily lead to anorexia nervosa. Most people who suffer from it do not realise that they have a problem and believe they are obese even though their body mass is less than 35kg. One of the most extreme examples is that of Lauren Bailey who dropped below 20kg.Fortunately, she managed to cope with her terrible condition unlike many other women. Bulimia nervosa is characterised with periods of extreme overeating and binging followed by gui lt and depression that usually lead to intentional vomiting. It is another example of eating disorder caused by social and family factors. However, many people who have digestive problems may also suffer from bulimia nervosa. These are people who haven`t found medical solution of their problems and try to find one themselves. This condition may cause more problems with the digestive system, affect the teeth, the hair and the nails.Some celebrities that have had problems with bulimia are Lady Diana, lady Gaga and Sir Elton John. Binge eating disorder is characterised with over consumption of food even when one is not hungry, obesity and feeling of guilt. This condition is usually caused by depression and different problems at work or in the family. People start eating more and more to feel better. The affected are usually ashamed of themselves, tend to hide and eat alone. This disease may cause diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, bone deterioration, stroke and even death. The se ven-year-old Jessica Gaude is regarded as the fattest child in the world with her 222kg.These are only a few examples of the seventy million registered cases of eating disorders. However, if all these people receive help that will make them realise their condition and they may change their way of living forever. All types of eating disorders involve unhealthy way of eating that begins gradually and reaches the point when it is extremely difficult to turn back. Everyone can fall victim to such diseases, so we should be careful with the people around us – our relatives and friends. If some of them suffer from an eating disorder they may not even realise it, so we ought to help them because this may save their lives. To Eat or Not to Eat To eat or not to eat? That is the question. â€Å"I have made an appointment to have my blood lipid levels checked, but I can't remember if my doctor mentioned fasting before the blood test. And I've heard that it is unnecessary to fast before a blood test. Is this true? † Nowadays, people are more concerned and aware of how much fat is in their diet. Having your blood lipid levels tested regularly is a good way to keep track of this. However, it is often inconvenient for many people to fast before a blood test as the idea of missing a meal can be disconcerting.A recent study, done by students of HUNT221 at the University of Otago, looks into the effect of blood lipid levels after consuming different types of meals, compared with fasting. In the experiment, total (plasma) cholesterol and triacylglycerol (1) concentrations were monitored between fasting and non-fasting blood tests. The aim of the investigation was to identify whether these lipid levels were raised by recently i ngested meals. Subjects were required to consume a high carbohydrate (CHO) or high fat meal with similar energy and protein content.The results obtained were necessary to determine if there was a post-prandial(2) effect on the true validity of the lipid concentrations. This is also useful for diagnosing blood lipid disorders such as high cholesterol. All subjects were required to provide a fasting blood sample to show a baseline for the lipid concentration. The fasting results showed a mean total cholestrol level of 4. 36 mmol/L and a mean triacylglyceride level of 1. 13 mmol/L. The study showed that the lipid concentrations between subjects who ingested a high carbohydrate meal and those fasting were similar.There were no significant value to show that the high carbohydrate meal had an effect on lipid levels in the blood. Triglyeride levels in CHOs are generally low(? ), explaining the little effect that a high CHO meal has on triglyercide levels in the blood. However not all foods high in CHO are low in triglycerides. For example, muffins which are considered to be high in CHO also have an elevated amount of hidden fat. So yes, that toast with your favourite low-fat spread is okay to have before going for your blood test. But always check with your GP first.When comparing the high fat and the fasting blood samples, it showed that there was a significant increase of 20% in total blood triacylglyceride concentrations. The total cholesterol concentration did not change significantly. This suggesting that by eating a high fat meal, the triacylglyceride levels will be affected; hence the blood test would not be accurate and would not provide a correct indication of actual lipid levels. Therefore, lipid intake should be kept to a minimum before a blood test. . Replacing standard dairy products for low-fat alternatives is better when considering eating before a blood test (3).Also look out for hidden lipids in foods high in carbohydrates by checking nutrition panel s on the packaging. So to answer your question, it is preferable to fast for 10 to 12 hours to avoid obtaining invalid results. However, if it is necessary to eat, avoid high fat foods such as bacon and eggs, or high fat spreads. Rather, you can opt for carbohydrate foods such as fruits and vegetables or breads and cereals. It is necessary however to keep in mind that these suggestions only apply when testing for blood lipids levels, if in doubt talk to your GP. To Eat or Not to Eat To Eat or Not to Eat In the twenty first century people have managed to clone animals and transplant organs but they still have not managed to cope with many serious diseases. Some of the most widely spread are the eating disorders – such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Even though many people underestimate them, they are extremely dangerous and even fatal. In order to prevent eating disorders, we should learn more about them. First of all, everyone can be affected by such diseases regardless their age, gender, race and place of living.However, the risk is higher, if one`s parents suffered from an eating disorder or if one is engaged with for instance dancing, modelling or cooking. It is worth mentioning that the psychological factor plays a very important role. Many young girls ‘give up’ eating because they want to look like the girls from the fashion magazines and the TV. But something that has started as an innocent diet or a bit of overweight, may destroy one`s health and life. There are a lot of types of eating disorders – the most notorious being anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder.Anorexia nervosa is characterised with an extremely strong desire for losing weight and fear of gaining weight. It is believed social and family factors cause that condition. Nowadays society exerts a lot of pressure on people, especially girls and young women, to be thin and good looking. Many start starvation diets and become obsessed with their weight which can easily lead to anorexia nervosa. Most people who suffer from it do not realise that they have a problem and believe they are obese even though their body mass is less than 35kg. One of the most extreme examples is that of Lauren Bailey who dropped below 20kg.Fortunately, she managed to cope with her terrible condition unlike many other women. Bulimia nervosa is characterised with periods of extreme overeating and binging followed by gui lt and depression that usually lead to intentional vomiting. It is another example of eating disorder caused by social and family factors. However, many people who have digestive problems may also suffer from bulimia nervosa. These are people who haven`t found medical solution of their problems and try to find one themselves. This condition may cause more problems with the digestive system, affect the teeth, the hair and the nails.Some celebrities that have had problems with bulimia are Lady Diana, lady Gaga and Sir Elton John. Binge eating disorder is characterised with over consumption of food even when one is not hungry, obesity and feeling of guilt. This condition is usually caused by depression and different problems at work or in the family. People start eating more and more to feel better. The affected are usually ashamed of themselves, tend to hide and eat alone. This disease may cause diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, bone deterioration, stroke and even death. The se ven-year-old Jessica Gaude is regarded as the fattest child in the world with her 222kg.These are only a few examples of the seventy million registered cases of eating disorders. However, if all these people receive help that will make them realise their condition and they may change their way of living forever. All types of eating disorders involve unhealthy way of eating that begins gradually and reaches the point when it is extremely difficult to turn back. Everyone can fall victim to such diseases, so we should be careful with the people around us – our relatives and friends. If some of them suffer from an eating disorder they may not even realise it, so we ought to help them because this may save their lives.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Women And Men

It has become a troubling cliche that women feel unavoidably attracted to men who are completely wrong for them. This leads to other overarching platitudes that permeate our social interactions. All men are pigs. Nice guys finish last. The frustration over these seemingly impenetrable absolutes builds and builds until it bursts in a flurry of Cosmo quizzes. What’s going on, and can it be remedied? You all know someone who’s been affected by this paradox, and probably have encountered it sometime yourselves. A friend of mine recently had her birthday ruined by her boyfriend. He accompanied her and many of her friends on a trip to Magic Mountain. After disappearing for hours, she finally found him. He was asleep in her car in the parking lot, which he had broken into in order to nap inside, the ideal resting place. His only present to her was a card. They are still together today. I couldn’t have written a more ridiculous scenario myself. (Well, I could, but it would involve a lobster playing trombone.) Are women attracted to guys like this because somehow the qualities of meanness and insensitivity are inherently desirable? The answer is no. Granted, there is a positive correlation between the degree of a male’s lack of compassion and his ability to engender the attention of the opposite sex, but as any of you know who have taken a statistics course, a correlation does not prove causation. There is an underlying factor that produces this result. That factor is power. What women seek is someone who is powerful, who can control any situation and make things go his way. From an evolutionary standpoint, this means women are far more likely to be attracted to the guy who kills the charging lion than the guy who paints one on the cave wall. If there is one thing that jerks certainly have, it is power. Women perceive them as having great security and influence. What they often fail to notice is that this power is derived through meanness and selfishness. Conversely, kindness and selflessness are perceived as signs of weakness. I do not recommend, however, that women try to find comfort in the arms of the spineless.Spineless people aren’t necessarily kind. They simply possess too much cowardice to act on their angry impulses. Kindness is not the absence of malice; rather, it is the active pursuit of the satiation of the needs of others above one’s own. It takes far greater strength to pursue good instead of evil, as the odds are stacked against the good. A jerk demonstrates his strength by dominating other males through force and/or humiliation. A kind man will be far subtler. My grandfather once gave me some advice on the subject. He said, â€Å"A great man doesn’t tell people how great he is. If he is truly great, then they will know it.† Clearly something separates the boys from the men, but how to define that separation? Rudyard Kipling comes fairly close in his poem, â€Å"If.† I leave it to you to read it; it will be two minutes well spent. When it comes to how a male treats a woman, I have found a definition that seems to distinguish the mature from the immature. A boy sees his woman as a treasure. She is beautiful, charming, intelligent, etc. The boy will recognize all of these positive attributes as valuable, and therefore worth preserving through his best efforts. He does not love her for herself, only for how she makes him feel about himself. A man will treasure his woman. He will cherish her, support her, and devote the best fibers of his being to her. This is based on sacrifice and love, rather than on possession. A treasure, noun, is an object worth keeping. But a relationship should not be a museum in which a male showcases his best piece. To treasure, a verb, implies upkeep and care, dedication and perseverance, love and honor. This is surely the measure of a man. In trying to avoid sub-standard men, women often fall into another relationship sand trap, the older man. By older, I refer to an age they should be together. At the same time, our wants must be tempered with cognizance. The â€Å"plenty of fish in the sea† metaphor still applies to the beginning of a relationship. Squeeze a few tomatoes before you pick one out. Most of us aren’t out there looking for husbands and wives just yet, so perhaps it is adaptive that the qualities that make a good spouse are not those we necessarily value in a college relationship. On the other hand, high school is over, so perhaps it’s time for the homo erectus in the varsity jacket to say goodbye. I find it disheartening that women, seeking powerful men, would rather date Lex Luthor than Superman, or at least are more likely to fall for Luthor initially. Of course, not all guys fit neatly into the categories of heroes and villains. In truth, we are neither. Ladies, give us the litmus test for selfishness. A man should be a pillar of strength to his woman, but he should be made of something warmer than cold stone.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Salesperson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Salesperson - Essay Example The advise will usually, but not limited to, be related to the circumstance surrounding the product and services that the salesperson is offering (Bathrooms+Kitchens magazine, 2003). A salesperson is also expected to have understanding with the customer and appreciate what they are trying to accomplish. And finally, the most important task of a salesperson is to 'seal the deal' or make a sale by using the most effective technique of 'negotiating', as more and more customers are demanding for discounts and attractive 'bargains', demands like these are often 'fuelled' by the trends in the advertising industry', such as 'buy dining table now and pay later' with further 0% interest rate offer. Furthermore, the salesperson is expected to be likeable by his prospective customers. 'People buy people first' is an old concept but still holds true in modern times. For salespeople to be successful, they should be approachable and can readily explain to the customer regarding advise and most especially the information of the product or services being offered (Bathrooms+Kitchens magazine, 2003). However, the role of a salesperson has been changing radically over couple of years and will further continue to change as influenced by the revolution in the business sector such as globalization (Appleton associates, n.d.). The number of salesperson required in today's competitive world is also significantly reduced and continue with down trend. In previous years, there were over 1 million salespeople in the United Kingdom, but now there are only an estimated 500,000 salespeople. This is almost 50% reduction in the selling profession. Modern technology have much to do with this trend. Product policies, transportation and advertisements have all influenced the decline in the needed salespeople especially in the fast-moving products. However, due to increased competition and awareness, the much needed professionalism of salespeople are even more required in order to stay competitive (CIM analyst, 2000). 'The days of the solo salesman roaming around his territory looking for the next sale are gone-the selling role is now more complex than cold calling' (Bulletpoint, n.d.). Undoubtedly, the most important factor in changing the role of a salesperson in today's world is the changing attitudes and priorities of the customers as well as the development of mass media and the internet. Most customers of today are more informed, through television and other mass media, about the goods and services that a salesperson might offer. In fact, some customers are even more aware of the information of the competitor's products or services than the salesperson himself. This situation could lead to embarrassment on the part of the salesperson. Customers are putting much emphasis on how the product is acquired rather than the quality of the product itself. Customers nowadays are less affected by the salesperson's 'competence or behaviour, and the use of 'traditional techniques of selling has little n egative or no effect at all on customer's decision to purchase the goods or services being offered by the salesperson (Bulletpoint, n.d.). Today, being adequate is no longer that is needed for salespeople to succeed in getting sales. Salespeople have to be

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

CRJS406(1) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CRJS406(1) - Research Paper Example This entails establishing barriers, which will ensure that every crucial piece of evidence is maintained, in addition to sealing all entrances and exits to control entrances while excluding nonessential personnel and bystanders. The management of physical threats will make certain that safety of evidence and those authorized to be in the scene are handled in a secure manner. The barriers can comprise scene tape, vehicles, law enforcement officers, and barricades. Thirdly, a log is created which notes every person who crosses the barrier including the instances in which they come in and exit. This involves recording clear and succinct information regarding the preliminary observations and events. The aim of this documentation is to acquire information that will corroborate investigative considerations (Hess & Orthmann, 2009). Notably, the official investigators entering the scene need to wear proper protecting clothing, comprising a collection of overalls, facemasks, paper shoes, and latex gloves. After leaving the scene, every protecting clothing needs to be analyzed in order to avoid the danger of losing precious trace evidence (Hess & Orthmann, 2009). ... Every crime incident leaves out some traces at the scene, and since most of the traces are normally transient and brittle, when disturbed can destroy their reliability and preservation. Securing the scene will help the investigators to appropriately deduce details, in order to reconstruct the events that took place. Therefore, the goal of securing the scene is preserve the physical integrity of the traces (Sutton & Trueman, 2013). Walkthrough Walk-through is the first assessment conducted by an investigator by vigilantly walking through the scene in order to assess the state of affairs, identify likely evidence, in addition to determining the resources needed (Hess & Orthmann, 2009). The intention is to recognize threats to the crime scene integrity in order to safeguard the physical evidence. Even though the goal of Walk-through is to mentally prepare the premises regarding the reconstruction of scene, the theories can and should change as investigation advances (Dutelle, 2011). Dur ing the initial walkthrough, the primary responsibility before else is to reduce scene contamination. This entails establishing both entry and exit points, and the pathway. The other role of walkthrough is to determine the necessity for individual protective equipment before entry, followed by a documentation of the scene as initially observed. The objective is to recognize and protect fragile evidence, and it involves evaluating the crowds or hostile environment. It also entails a concluding survey, whose objective is to affirm that the scene has been effectively and entirely processed (Dutelle, 2011). Documentation The objective of crime scene documentation is to generate enduring and objective traces of the scene, including the physical

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Comparison of Wesley and Whitfield on grace and predestination Essay

Comparison of Wesley and Whitfield on grace and predestination - Essay Example Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.13 V. Bibliography†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦14 I. Introduction Three prominent religious members lay behind the evangelical movement that arose in English Christianity within the 1730s when Charles, John, and Wesley came together as Methodists. George Whitefield was a Calvinist while John Wesley and his brother Charles Wesley can be considered as Arminians. The reasons for Whitefield’s dedicated attitude can partly be linked to his close friendships with American evangelicals, which led into deeper comprehension of Puritan theology and its significance to evangelism and revivals. The pa per explores the views of Wesley and Whitefield on the theology of grace and predestination. II. Background Prior to his departure, Whitefield’s sermon dwelling on â€Å"On the Nature and Necessity of Our Regeneration or New Birth in Christ Jesus† based on 2 Corinthians 5: 17 â€Å"if any man be in Christ he is a new creature.† In his sermon of 1737, â€Å"the doctrine of our generation, new birth in Christ Jesus† can be regarded as one of the most fundamental. ... agreed wholly with the Wesley that â€Å"nothing but a guarantee that people are born again that all are members of Christ united to Him by one and to the Holy Spirit that He was actuated† can fulfill the heart of man.2 The three also concurred on the nature and degree of the sanctification started through the work of the Holy Spirit within regeneration. When George Whitefield left England in 1739, he was appreciated as a leader of the evangelical awakening. Whitefield handed over his followers to John Wesley’s; nevertheless, when he returned in 1741, Whitefield found that a majority of his spiritual children were hostile to the extent that they sent threatening messages to him that God will speedily destroy him. This emanated from by the fact that, on Whitefield’s departure, Wesley had published a sermon titled â€Å"Free Grace,† which professed to be founded upon, Roman 8:32. John Wesley’s sermon, published in August 1739 and attempted to demonstr ate how God’s Grace is â€Å"free in all and free for all.† Wesley’s message was a robust critique of the doctrine of predestination and election. Wesley believed such a doctrine was a precarious one and that it blasphemed the very person and nature of God. Election represents God’s choosing whom to save and it is unconditional, given that there is no condition man must satisfy before God chooses to save him. Calvinists concur that humankind must meet the condition of faith in Christ so as to inherit eternal life; however, faith is not a condition for election, but rather election is a condition of faith. Whitefield and Wesley could not find a common ground, which split the movement between the adherents of Wesley and those of Whitefield.3 The division arose from the fact that Whitefield and Wesley did not share the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Business Law - the law of contract Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Law - the law of contract - Case Study Example The prospective buyer, by offering that price is himself the offeror and his offer, if accepted, create a binding contract. 1 For this case, James just noticed a gold watch with a price tag of 25 hence it neither does nor compels the store person to sell the gold watch at that particular price. The price tag with the gold watch was just inviting others to make an offer of their own on how much they are to buy the watch. A binding contract would have been created when the store person (Elizabeth) would have accepted the offer made by James since the price with the gold watch was just inviting customers to make their offer. Normally, invitation to a treat is used to request expression of interest from the customers. For this case, any product with a price tag does not compel the store person to sell his product at that price but requests, an expression of interest from the customer to make their offer and binding contract of sale would occur when he agrees to sell at that price. 2 Invitation to treat must be distinguished from an offer. This is because, invitation to a treat invites for people with to make on an offer whereas, in a offer, the offeror make in an offer and just wait for people to accept that offer. In order for a coIn order for a contract to be enforceable, it must fulfill certain basic requirements. There must be an agreement based upon genuine consent of the parties, supported by a consideration and made for a lawful object between competent parties. A relevant case studied in the issue of invitation to treat is that of: Pharmaceutical Society of Britain v. Boots Chemists of 1953 Goods were sold in Boots Chemist shop under the self-service system. Customers selected their purchases from the shelves, put them into baskets supplied by Boots Chemists and took them to the cash desk where they paid the price. It was held that the customer made the offer when he presented them at the cash desk, and not when he removed them from the shelves.3 The price tag with the gold watch was merely inviting James to make his offer on the price he would like to buy the gold watch at and does not compel him to sell at that price. For this case, a contract would have been made when James collects the watch from the shelves and place it on the counter if Elizabeth agrees to sell it at that price. But since the 25 price with the gold watch was merely inviting customers to make an offer but not sell it at that price. By taking the money from James, it would mean that Elizabeth had agreed to sell the gold watch at that price. For this case, it would be immaterial for James to state that he has a right to purchase a gold watch at 25 as indicated on the price tag. He would not succeed in any court of law for him to be sold the gold watch at 25. Another case studied on invitation to treat was that of:- Fisher v. Bell of 1961 On this case, Bell a shopkeeper, displayed a flick knife priced at four shilling in his shop window. He was charged with offering for sale an offensive weapon contrary to the restriction of offensive weapon act. It was held that a mere display of the goods in a shop window is not by itself an offer for sale. Bell was not bound to sell the knife to any one entering his shop and offering to him four shillings. 4 A mere display of a gold watch at 25

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Let's Be Lefties for a Day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Let's Be Lefties for a Day - Essay Example However, there are also many people that differ from others in some way – either because of disabilities or of some outstanding abilities. Some disabilities are permanent, other could be only temporal, e.g., immigrants might have difficulties speaking language of their new country, and they would have other cultural differences which will be overcome in time. Often times these differences are becoming a reason of being discriminated in some way. Some differences people learn to overcome; other peculiarities make life significantly more difficult. And there are times when it is not a diversity in itself that puts a person in the position of being discriminated and disadvantaged. Often it is the case of institutional discrimination, caused by stereotypes and institutional organization. The disadvantages may be caused by physical, cultural, ethnic, or gender differences. However, if these diversities are recognized, taken into consideration and thought through, it might turn out that many disadvantages can be used for the benefit. The experiment of being a â€Å"lefty† was very educational and made me think a lot. Undoubtedly, any trivial task became very difficult to perform. It seemed that the whole world turned up-side-down. Whatever I had to do, it took a long time; it was not performed as perfectly and it was also frustrating and drowning emotionally.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Operations Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Operations Management - Assignment Example Finally, they can be used to develop systems to automate the processes they model (Gieskes, 2001). In the last case, programmers may use the process model as a guide in developing the information system or more recently, some process models can be run though process execution engines that automate the process directly from the model. A great deal of customization is often required in simulation systems modeling. From initial appearance, no system bears exact semblance to another and each time a new model is to be developed, the designer is compelled to begin from scratch. Simulation presents designers with powerful modeling tools which help in coming up with efficient systems. Interesting, even with these tools at the modelers’ disposal, they still get the feeling that they are reinventing again and again. There is always the suspicion that maybe the model they are about to design already exists or may be there already exists a model that sufficiently resembles the model to be designed. Either way, simulation provides a useful tool through which systems can be simulated. A number of techniques are often used in implementation of simulations. This project explores a specific type of simulation, a discrete event-based simulation, whereby events take place according to a schedule set on the fly as simulation plays out, with the main aim being to focus on points in time whereby interesting events take place and skip the dead spots in between the processes. For sparse simulations, where only a few events occur at irregular intervals, event-based simulation is extremely efficient. In the simulation described in this report, the dry cleaning establishment’s inner workings are modeled. Although taking note of the fact that an actual dry cleaning establishment is a physical store which not only occupies physical space, but is also complete with machinery, workers, customers, and other variables, there are further complexities than a typical model can incor porate. This simulation therefore operated a simple model but still captured the entire essential ongoing in dry cleaning process. To keep the simulation simple and reasonable, it is assumed that all garments to be dry cleaned are identical in size, weight, and material despite the fact that realistic differences are available in the process. It is assumed that over the course of time, the difference will even out. An average time is assumed for the clothing. Spreadsheet model versus ARENA modeling Discrete event modeling/simulation is largely use in generation of system predictions of states during time intervals, which are flexible in examination of what if situations. For instance, it is regularly used in evaluation of client waiting lines often referred to as a queue. The question typical of such models and simulations is how long customer will have to wait (averagely) in a line before a customer representative attends to him/her and if this wait time is too long, explore possib le ways of reducing it. Solutions may include adding servers. Modeling and simulation help explore these questions without the need to actually create and assess a physical situation as such a move could prove extremely expensive. Among the approaches often adopted in modeling are spreadsheet modeling and ARENA modeling. A model spreadsheet is defined as a ubiquitous software packages element available on many networked as well as personal microcomputer systems. It is primarily applied in

Friday, August 23, 2019

Corporate Responsibility for Childhood Obesity Essay - 2

Corporate Responsibility for Childhood Obesity - Essay Example The authors of these two articles are supporting the same cause but in different ways. First and foremost is the length of the material, Zinczenko’s article is rather brief and reads very much like a discussion or a conversational blog posting. However, Linn and Novosat’s article is much more scientific and literary representation of their very similar arguments. Zinczenko takes the most direct route and blames the consumption of fast food directly is the cause of the childhood obesity. He argues that as a child he was a â€Å"latchkey kid,† a term in the 1970s and 1980s to describe children of, usually, single parent households, who are left to care from themselves when their guardian is at work; they used to keep the house keys are a string around their necks, hence the nickname (Zinczenko, 391-392). He offers a number of supporting factors that do benefit his argument. Firstly, he explains that his personal experience as a latchkey child, he understood how fast food becomes the quickest, most convenience, and, often, the cheapest way to feed hungry children. The greater statistics of children in economically depressed environments are even more likely to consume larger portions of the fast foods available. However, the flaw in Mr. Zinczenko argument is that no one is likely to deny that if a child or anyone was to consume fast food for every meal of the day may ultimately develop health problems and obvious weight gain. He, also, makes the correlation between childhood obesity, fast food, and the ever increasing numbers of diabetes cases among children (Zinczenko 391-393). Linn and Novosat’s article is a much more scientific and formal research work. It is considerably longer, detailed, offering statistics, and averages of test and studies performed. They do not blame the fast food items and products directly, the way that Zinczenko’s article did, but rather the specific advertising that is geared specifically towards children regarding fast food